Birds of the West Indies 2nd edition Raffaele

Birds of the West Indies - Second Edition

The new edition of this field guide contains various upgrades over its widely acclaimed predecessor.

Most significantly, all the vagrants, over 60 species, have been moved to the back of the book so as not to clutter up pages illustrating birds far more likely to be encountered. Relatedly, the order of birds in the book has been modified for better comparison of birds from shared habitats and similar-looking species.

For example, birds are ordered from the sea, landward — ocean, coastal waters, seashore, marshes and finally uplands. Also, most of the landbirds with black plumages or thick bills have been placed near one another rather than being dispersed within the book in line with taxonomic sequence.

Following taxonomic sequence is fine for experts, but terrible as a tool when it comes to field identification, which is what this book is for. Another improvement is the color marking of the various endemic species by island or island group. This edition also contains a more comprehensive introduction, excellent new artwork and less congested plates that allow for larger images and expanded text. Numerous maps have also been added, as well as weights for each bird species.

Copies of this book may be available for purchase directly from the Author. Please contact us if this is of interest to you!

Fascinating reading….Indispensable.

Stephen Mills, Times Literary Supplement